I’m an experienced entrepreneur with a strong track record of bringing innovative ideas from concept to application, a drive to make things that make a difference, and a lot of energy. I offer the following consulting services and also welcome ideas for collaboration. Please get in touch!

As a founder-CEO who navigated the start-up and growth phases of an innovative materials company that developed four product lines, earned six patents, was widely awarded and published and supplied sustainable products to thousands of projects over 24 years; as a leader who navigated two deep economic downturns and led teams on initatives both creative and operational with employees who were loyal for fifteen plus years, I bring my clients actionable strategic insight as well as battle-scarred experience.

For clients in a variety of industries (including architecture, engineering, and construction; music; and sustainability), I provide business strategy, operational, and business development consulting. Projects include business strategy roadmaps, business growth and operations consulting, and innovation strategy. Consulting can take many forms, from a single hour brainstorming a specific challenge, to an ongoing contract advising start-up or growth modes of a business.


For two decades, I stewarded Panelite's brand, honing its voice and visual identity. We achieved a level of brand recognition on par with companies whose budgets and teams exponentially exceeded ours.

As VP of the L.A. Forum's Information Committee, I oversee all outbound communications for our publications, events, social media, and Delirious Los Angeles, a weekly email featuring events and interviews. In this role I develop content strategy reflecting the organization’s mission; research topics and maintain an editorial calendar; conduct interviews; assist in planning public events; write and edit copy as well as supporting other contributors; and collaborate with other Forum committees, academic institutions, creative professionals, and the public.

On my podcast, Five Places Los Angeles, I explore stories of the city as told by its inhabitants. Previously, I’ve conducted interviews for Panelite and for the L.A. Forum for Architecture and Urban Design.

I offer communications consulting and services including: interviews, marketing plans and campaigns, copywriting and editing, pitch decks, and continuing education seminars.


For conferences, organizations, and academic groups, I present on entrepreneurship, business, career pivots, and material development.